Les enseignements de Tony nous encouragent à pratiquer notre travail spirituel
et à
nous développer à travers nos actions quotidiennes en appliquant
les principes directifs suivants :
Apprendre à vivre en harmonie avec la nature, en respectant notre environnement et
prenant soin de toute forme de vie.
Être un phare et un exemple pour les autres en toute situation.
Vivre une vie d'humilité, simplicité et pureté.
Promouvoir la paix et la non-violence.
Se rappeler que le corps physique est notre temple, lequel nécessite d'être transformé,
ainsi que l'esprit ; il encourage un régime végétarien incluant des produits bio, pleins de force de vie.
Ne consommer aucune drogue, y compris le tabac. Travailler dans le sens d'éliminer complètement
l'alcool de nos vies, honorant ainsi notre corps en tant que temple de lumière.
Parler véritablement avec le coeur et avoir le courage de s'adresser directement aux
gens au lieu de parler dans leur dos.
Traiter les autres comme vous aimeriez être traité.
Pour recevoir, il faut donner. En apprenant vraiment à donner, nous nous rendons disponibles
à recevoir une abondance illimitée... En suivant cette philosophie, nous sommes encouragés à contribuer
sans conditions en donnant 10% de nos économies – si nous en avons – et 10% de nos gains mensuels à une
cause humanitaire ou spirituelle de notre choix.
Pratiquer ces enseignements dans notre quotidien.
We are at the beginning of a New Era and
many are reflecting on what has been and what they would
like now to be a more fundamental part of their inner and
outer experience and what their intentions are for this exciting
era. Others find themselves reflecting as to how yet another
year has slipped by without fulfilling all their goals and
To think or believe that this era will be better than the
last by continuing to do the same things all over again doesn’t
allow very much to change!
Perhaps having failed to achieve your dreams because they
were not achievable you may push them aside and compromise
them in order for them to become more realistic.
If you can dream and believe your dream then you have the
foundation by which to grow and become the person that can
make the dream true!
Now is a good time to make some simple yet significant changes
to help you move forward in a more complete way.
Understand that you are living an outcome
of all that you have believed, thought, decided and felt
on a conscious and unconscious level of being. To change
this reality why not start each day by asking yourself,
“How can I be closer to my dream today?”
This not only helps you to develop absolute clarity about
what you want to achieve but also allows you to actualize
not simply the idea but rather sets the idea as a goal that
is achievable now!
Develop absolute clarity about why you want to achieve your
goals and a structure to achieve it. This is so important
because in doing so you will be able to remain much more
focused on a day-to-day basis. You will also find that with
every step taken towards your goals, you will gain the confidence
to take even bigger and bolder steps, enabling you to move
in leaps and bounds.
You must absolutely believe in yourself
~ in the simple fact that you will and can achieve these
steps in your everyday experience. Time becomes irrelevant
when you believe that you will achieve what you set out
to do and combined with having absolute clarity about what
you want and why you want it you can enjoy the journey
that leads to your dream ~ no matter how high the mountain
of challenges gets!
Your future is created by the decisions
you make and the actions you take ~ Today... in this moment.
My work is to be here in this moment challenging you beyond
your current beliefs and thoughts. No matter how deeply rooted
these aspects are freedom is the core and depth of all spiritual
work and the embodiment of all spiritual Masters.
Your goals and dreams won’t get up and come to you. You
have to go to them by living them in this moment!