“I believe that we live at a very crucial moment in humanity's transformation and I want you to move beyond the old paradigm and discover your power, your freedom.
I believe we are at a point of such
transformation that we can no longer wait for someone else, or
something else. I believe that we are creators and that everyone
here is equal and part of that creation. I believe that Love
doesn't live somewhere outside, that the Divine, meaning intelligence,
freedom, is everywhere. You, me, we are connected.
I believe that we have to put things into practice. We can’t just sit and watch television or watch life, or watch a relationship and hope it gets better or wait for it to change.
I challenge you to step away from the sofa, where it is comfortable to watch TV, and to participate. It is a wonderful thing when we realize that we have this power, which is not of the ego, but is wisdom.”
Tony Samara
Sat Tony Samara, author of ‘Shaman’s Wisdom,’ ‘The Simplicity of Love Meditation,’ ‘Different Yet the Same,’ ‘Karma, Mantra and Beyond’ and ‘Discover Your Inner Buddha’ was born in England, grew up in Egypt and also in Norway where he discovered the “Zen Buddhist philosophy”.
This discovery eventually led him to the “Mount Baldy Zen Center in California, USA” where he learned the spiritual teachings of “Kyozan Joshu Sasaki.”
He had curiosity to explore further the essence of spirituality and thus went to live and learn with shamanic communities around the globe including a period of time spent with some highly influential shamans in the Amazon River region and the Andes Mountains.
Now people from all over the world visit Sat Tony Samara to take spiritual guidance and experience being in his presence.
His main countries of activity are in Europe yet with the assistance of the Internet is attracting a Global audience through frequent online interviews and live satsangs.
His function is as a Spiritual Guide who encourages all to lead their lives actively in a noble way in order to realize the evolution of human consciousness.
The completely natural state of joy and wisdom experienced as the heart opens to life is the remarkable path he expounds. The path that is free for everyone to experience.
Verbal dialogue is not the essence of his teachings, but he explains in a direct and simple way that everyone can understand how each individual can practically integrate greater acceptance, peace and joy into their daily lives.
Sat Tony Samara teaches with humour, humility and with infinite patience, empowering the individual with courage, trust and inner strength to continue on this journey back into wholeness, a path that leads towards real freedom.
Sat Tony Samara is concerned with practical inner work and liberation. He teaches by personal example and instruction, guiding the seeker to realise bliss here and now, through growing spiritual awareness rather than mental effort.
“Conscious evolution is ultimate freedom. Overcoming the fear of what lies ahead, by illuminating the spiritual dimension within our nature, is awakening to the splendour of our hearts.
It is said that the mind clarifies matters and reveals truth, but, in fact, it creates confusion for the heart. True reality dwells in its natural center — the heart: the heart is the path to self-realization.
The totally natural state of joy and wisdom experienced as the heart opens to the truth, is the remarkable state of being, free for all to experience.”
Sat Tony Samara is a mirror of what is possible, a shining reminder of the continuous possibility of being human.
Sat Tony Samara also encourages a balanced vegetarian diet which includes organic products that are full of life force. |