“Children have a natural and innate ability to want to know and understand things all the time, in every way, but that is lost if it's not fed.
Just like anything else, if there is no interaction in any emotional or social way then something is lost. For me, the first thing when it comes to education, is that learning is important and secondly, never lose the feeling that learning has value.”
— Tony Samara*
Happy Children Video
“I believe that in the Western world there are not enough challenges, that education stultifies most children because it doesn't allow for their innate intelligence to go beyond a certain point.
Countries have created what is known as the National Curriculum and this is an idea that children have to follow a certain method of learning, and a certain amount of learning by a certain age.
But we know that children today are getting more intelligent than children 50 years ago, that there is much more information that they can deal with and understand, simply because they've inherited qualities that 50 years ago children were not aware of, or even their parents were not aware of.
And so... it is important that education moves at the same speed as our culture, and our development that is happening in the world today.”
— Tony Samara*
Saint Kabir, a 15th century poet and mystic has much to offer present day children.
The core values Saint Kabir implemented in his way of living were dedicated to peace, non-violence and harmony. His poetry, music and videos inspired by such and similarly children’s books about Saint Kabir with our appreciative sharing can all assist our children to:
• embrace all beings as part of one family
• question their life values and relationship to their inner and outer worlds
• consider their impact on the environment, and
• prioritise the sacred in their everyday life.
Here are some videos your children may enjoy watching with you.
Saint Kabir for Children
A Simple Meditation
…perfect for children to include as part of their spiritual practice daily.
“In my opinion education cannot be separate from the experience of life. It is not to separate the learning and say this aspect is different from life, where you learn mathematics and that is not related to anything in life, but to bring in the basic concepts of learning so that they become integrated in everyday life; emotional life not just physical life, the movement of the body and the way of dealing with circumstances around, and everything then becomes interrelated.”
— Tony Samara*
To read more about Children written by Tony we invite you to view the following blog posts:
A Mother's Testimonial:
“Without Tony Samara's satsangs, our choice to raise our children consciously, without spanking, blaming, yelling, hitting... would have been impossible. When the energy to hit, blame or addiction to such comes up, unexpectedly, from unconscious karmic places, we find tools, synchronistic events to help us rise up from the situation, smile to our children, and have laughter flowing from our lips instead of hurtful words, healing coming our way... even when the little baby bites the breast while drifting to sleep (as she just did now... Ha ha ha!!!!) The satsangs and meditations are invaluable. Their power is great: washing away addiction to fear, pride, sickness, hurt. Sometimes unbenowst to us, because when drunk with parental exhaustion or anxiety, one does not always understand what Tony Samara is delicately whispering... but the love comes through to heal the pain. Thank you.”
— Erika Scheidegger Gardet, Geneva, Switzerland
* The Tony Samara quotes are taken from a new book to be released called ‘Conscious Parents, Happy Children.’ |