就如一切事物,如果没有感情上或社交上的教育,那是乎有所损失。 对我来说,关于教育;教育是重要的,第二,不要失去学习有价值的感觉”
— Tony Samara*
需多国家都根据一种想法拟定全国课程,就是所有孩子根据他们的年龄都要跟随某学习方法和学习量。不过我们知道今天的儿童比起50年前的儿童更聪明。他们能够处理和了解更多信息。只因为他们继承了50 年前的孩子们或他们的父母都不知道的素质。也就这样教育和社会,文化,世界的脉搏同步走是很重要的。”
— Tony Samara*
15 世际诗人和神秘者圣卡比尔有很多可贡献给于现代儿童。
• 囊括所有生物为一家
• 检讨人生价值观与内在和外在世界的关系
• 考虑到它们对环境的影响和
• 日常生活中把神圣的排优先。
“以我的看法教育不能与生活经验分开。 不能把学习与生活分开,说学习算数和生活不关联。 要把学习的基本概念与日常生活相结合;感情上,不只是身体上,身体的动作和情况的处事,一切将变成相关”
— Tony Samara*
A Mother's Testimonial:
“Without Tony Samara's satsangs, our choice to raise our children consciously, without spanking, blaming, yelling, hitting... would have been impossible. When the energy to hit, blame or addiction to such comes up, unexpectedly, from unconscious karmic places, we find tools, synchronistic events to help us rise up from the situation, smile to our children, and have laughter flowing from our lips instead of hurtful words, healing coming our way... even when the little baby bites the breast while drifting to sleep (as she just did now... Ha ha ha!!!!) The satsangs and meditations are invaluable. Their power is great: washing away addiction to fear, pride, sickness, hurt. Sometimes unbenowst to us, because when drunk with parental exhaustion or anxiety, one does not always understand what Tony Samara is delicately whispering... but the love comes through to heal the pain. Thank you.”
— Erika Scheidegger Gardet, Geneva, Switzerland
* 这些是透睨萨玛拉将要推出的新书名:”自觉父母,快乐儿童”的摘引. |